Creative AI Magnifier

What questions do you have about the ethics of using AI on your creative projects? Use this tool to consider issues like intellectual property rights, privacy, bias, consent, authenticity, employment, and sustainability, among others.
How are designers, artists, writers, musicians and other creative individuals changing as AI tools play an increasing role in their process? Will using AI increase or reduce their creativity as it becomes more relied on? How do they navigate the topic of intellectual property rights when they use an AI tool? What impact does the use of AI tools have on the planet? The Creative AI Magnifier allows visitors to zoom out from the AI noise and align their use of creative AI tools with their values. Use this tool to create a visualization that illustrates your perspective.

Create Your Visualization
Take 4 minutes and respond to the statements below to generate a visualization that summarizes your perspective. If you're curious about a particular topic, read that scenario that goes into more detail. You can also find discussion questions and resources to help you delve deeper into each topic. Navigate to each scenario here.


What makes art 'art'? Some say it’s the human touch, originality, and emotional connection it fosters with those who encounter it. This theme emphasizes the importance of maintaining a genuine human element in artworks, even when created with the aid of AI.
Intellectual Property Rights

AI-generated creative works that are based on the works of other creators violate intellectual property.
Human Connection

AI-generated creative works should resonate with humans on an emotional level.

AI-generated creative works can be considered human creations.

Data Ethics

Should creative uses of AI respect privacy and creators specify when an AI system is used in a creative process? This theme focuses on data privacy and the level of communication that creators should have about AI use in their process.
Data Privacy

It’s okay when AI-generated creative works are generated by an AI system with personal data.

Creators should specify when and how they use AI tools in their work.


How should we consider the broader societal and cultural implications of using creative AI tools? This theme focuses on how creative AI tools contribute to society and affect diverse cultures and identities.
Bias & Representation

Creative AI tools should not perpetuate bias or limit inclusive representation.
Cultural Appropriation

Creative AI tools should produce outputs that avoid cultural appropriation.
Impact on Society

Creative AI tools should positively influence society.


How cautious should creative AI users and developers be? Beyond ethical data use and transparency, this theme looks at creative AI’s environmental impact and how mindful we should be as it’s developed.

We should limit the negative environmental impact of creative AI tools.
Responsible Development

We should prioritize the cautious development of creative AI technologies to reduce potential harm.


How are individuals impacted by creative AI tools and what they produce? This theme focuses on how everyone, from artists to participants and the broader public, might be affected by creative AI.

Developers of new creative AI tools should consider how the tool will impact human roles and job opportunities.
Informed Consent

Creative AI tools should require informed consent of participants whose data is used for creative AI tools.

Creative AI tools should be accessible to all who want to use them.

    *Which topic(s) are you most concerned about?

    *Your creative practice

    *Where do you practice?

    *How long have you been practicing?

    Your Email Address

    By responding to prompts on this form, you consent to us using your responses to create your Creative AI Magnifier. We may use the information to improve this tool and will discuss our findings.

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