I'm primarily concerned with the rights and privacy of human creators — I find it unethical that people can scrape other people's creative efforts from the web, feed it into an AI, and claim that they did anything other than plagiarize someone else. I find it to be both a violation of privacy and intellectual property rights. Further, I'm concerned about what such practice means for creatives in professional capacities. It's very likely that this will further strain the TV and movie industries as studios opt to replace writers and composers with AI, as well as steal the appearance of extras to fill in background scenes. Further, the environmental impact cannot be understated. Many of these new technologies operate at great environmental cost, to the point that I think that for that alone, their existence is unethical. It is not right to waste water and other resources on such frivolous, soulless endeavors considering the current state of our global environment. It is not only permanently damaging our ecosystems, but it's also disproportionately affecting those in developing countries who don't even receive the so-called "benefit" of these technologies. The tech-bros in Silicon Valley are never going to be directly affected by the environmental disasters they cause.
Writing (speculative fiction)
more than 15 years
As a hobby


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Creative practice
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data ethics
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